About Me & the Contributors

Sharn DM

Kevin Smith, otherwise known as “Melvin Smif”, is mostly a gaming and geek culture commentator.  He approaches topics in both venues with a level of enthusiasm few others possess with the hope that he may be viewed as an ambassador for the hobbies he holds dear.  With this site he has also entered the realm of gaming journalism, review, and freelancing.  If you are interested in making a request for any professional work along those lines feel free to reach out below or contact him through his most used avenue of social media Twitter.  You will find him there under the handle @SharnDM.


Every now and then I get lazy…I mean I feel like letting someone else showcase their stuff. Here is a list of the wonderful people who have contributed to the site!

Topher Whit-

Nick “Uncle Grumps” –

Mike “The Meatfist”-

Alyson Knezevich-

Erik Taylor-


Gabriel Paduganan –


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  1. Pingback: Backpacker Gaming | Melvin Smif's Geekery

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